Idk. Weird mood. I'm exhausted from being up sick all night, but had to come to work or I wouldn't have gotten the holiday pay for last week. Stupid corporate zombiehood.
So this last weekend was a little crazy. Just was. Lots of stuff flying through my head and no focus to get here and blog any of it. You should be sad... but just a little o.O
I need some energy. I've already had a 5 Hour Energy and a Mountain Dew. I should be awake by now... Stupid stomach.
Sang with Hurricane in the karaoke contest at one of the greatest hole in the wall bars in Lexington last night. Didn't win, but it was still fun. Found out I can do a couple more songs than I thought I could AND I recorded a couple of videos (thanks to Hurricane's help as drunk as she may have been lol). Got them posted to youtube last night :) You should look me up and subscribe to me o.O You knooooow you want to cause I'mma star lmao!
I'm going to miss a lot of the people here. I won't miss the job, but I will miss the people. Well, some of them. The others can well.... I'm going to be a lady for once and hold my tongue... er fingers? o.O You know what I mean.
Hate being sick. Well, that's kind of a given I guess. Who actually sits there and says "Oh, I wish I could be sick. I love it when I feel like death warmed over." So I suppose I will stop bitching about it.
I'm beginning to wonder why it is that the only guys I can find are the ones that are looking for the "special" friendship, but never one that is considering something for a possible relationship. Men are stupid.I take that back. BOYS are stupid... and annoying... and frustrating. Real MEN need only apply for the open position of being with me. I'm a damn good woman. Damnit, and I deserve a good man. It's just FINDING one that seems to be the issue.
Screw it. He will find me. I'm not looking anymore. I don't have the energy to put that kind of effort into it. I've been fine on my own this long, and I will be fine for longer. So take that, Men, and piss off.
Wow, o.O I'm bitchy today... Hrm... Lack of sleep is never a good plan for me. Maybe I'll take a nap at lunch. Sounds like a good plan to me.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Happy Turkey Day week everyone!
Howdy again folks! Hurricane Brain here! It's a little after 8am and I haven't technically been to bed yet and I'm wired... so I figured I'd get on here and write again. Me, awake all night... whoda thunk it?!?! Hah!
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day and I usually try to write each year about what I'm thankful for. Quite often it doesn't seem that I'm thankful for much because I complain a little. Ok, I complain a lot. But honestly, I have a lot of things I'm thankful for.
- My family. Yes, they drive me crazy sometimes. And, no, we don't agree on much or see eye-to-eye very often. But I love them with every ounce of my soul. They have no idea what they mean to me and I'm pretty shitty at showing it- but I would be lost without them.
- My friends although sadly, I don't see many of them very often anymore. :*( We're all growing older and going separate ways. But I'm still thankful that I have them in my life regardless. Stephy has definitely helped me through a lot in the past year. Without her there to keep me sane I'm sure I would have done something really stupid by now. So instead, we just do really stupid shit together. hahahaha! (I'm kidding!) Honestly folks- we're really not the "wild crazy party girls" everyone seems to believe we are. We're goofy as hell and enjoy acting like teenagers, and that's why we have so much fun together.
- My new guy. We're still learning each other quirks but it's a brand new thing so we have a lot to learn about each other. I adore him, as you can obviously tell from my last post on here. I really need to learn to let my guard down at least a little and stop being so pessimistic. It's so hard to start something new when you always expect people to fuck you over. I pray he has the patience to deal with my insecurities and many issues. If he does, he'll be the first. Fingers crossed.
- I'm thankful for my home. I love my apartment. It's small and not insulated very well but it's my cave, my safe haven. I've had a lot of fun in this apartment in the year that I've been here and I plan on having a lot more. I love that I have a pool to enjoy in the summer- I was there a lot this past year!
- My rotten cat Hemi. She keeps me company, she loves me unconditionally, and she keeps the loneliness from getting unbearable on the nights when I feel like it's me against the world.
- My car. It's a piece of shit and I hate it because it's been nothing but a pain in my ass... but it still runs and gets me from Point A to Point B for now so I'm thankful for it nonetheless. There are a lot of people out there with nothing so I know I shouldn't complain so much. I just pray it lasts me until tax time!
- My unemployment check. Getting laid off isn't so bad as long as you're still getting paid. I hate dealing with the people who work at the unemployment office but I'm glad I at least have the income still coming in.
- My computer & internet. It keeps me sane. I don't have TV and since I rarely hear from anyone other than on Facebook it keeps me up to date on how everyone is doing. And without my computer I'd go insane from not being able to write my blogs/notes. Ya'll know this is one of my stress relievers and Lord knows I stay stressed.
- Everyone reading this blog. Thanks for giving a shit. Ya'll rock!
I pray all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving full of love, family, friends, and a shit-ton of food!
*~*The Hurricane Chick*~*
Friday, November 19, 2010
What A Freakin Friday. Perfect for A 'Copter Ride
So it's been a few days... I'm having to type this as an email draft right now because APPARENTLY the firm thinks blogspot should be banned from our internet. As if I wouldn't be working or something o.O
So I went on a date last night... He's amazing. Just saying... And for now that's all I'm saying. Nope, not a word more. Not even if you bribe me... Well, unless it's with chocolate, then we might be able to work out a deal. Maybe.
I'm so freakin ready to be out of this job. My boss is mad at me today for putting in my resignation. Wtf... So I don't want the stress, the hour commute, the stress, did I mention the stress? I've never had a serious anxiety problem until I started working here. Now I'm on 3 different medications and have had a massive emotional/mental breakdown... I think I will pass on staying. They don't pay me enough to want to deal with it anymore.
My eyes hurt. I should be wearing my glasses I guess, but I hate wearing them. I feel like I look stupid in them. Maybe it's because I was made fun of so much as a kid when I wore glasses... There are things from childhood I miss, but the bullying is not one of them.
Oh yeah, another reason I'm leaving this job. The passive aggressive bullying from the attorneys and even the non-passive aggressive bullying. I would have thought that the environment here would be a bit more professional and less tense. I knew there would be stress, but the stress of "will they get mad and go on a war path" never crossed my mind. Walking on eggshells is not one of my strong suits...
My family is so strange. We have our own personal kind of Thanksgiving tradition. Football and football food. Gotta love it.
SO tired... So very tired. But so worth being tired to have this stupid smile on my face ^_^
Ok so a few hours later and things are improving. Turns out my boss wasn't mad at me for giving notice, she was mad because I didn't say anything about it this morning. She found out through the e-mail I sent a few days ago... I guess I just assumed she'd already seen it. o.O My bad.
What an awesome freakin Friday. I have a headache from the Abilify and my bra broke... Stupid bra. I stapled it... Now I have to go buy a new one... How depressing is that. The correct answer is very.
Oh! I'm vibrating! ^_^ (<~~ Happy face FYI)
I'm tired and would love a nap, but I have my psychologist appointment, now the mall, and then singing tonight before I go home and go to bed. Skip the singing you say? HAHAHAHAHA. never.
Damn phone. Always ringing. Guess that's why they have me here to relieve the receptionsist though lol... Just a guess... Ok well, I'm off for now. This helicopter ride is making me more tired... and there is chocolate pie in the break room... Mmmmm pie...
~The Helicopter Chick~
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
And here comes the Hurricane! *insert hurricane noise here*
Howdy folks! Meesa here, aka "Hurricane chick"! Isn't this blog that Helicopter set up just adorable? I think I'm gonna dig our new home! Now we just gotta work on getting some subscribers.... hmmm.... (time to spam facebook! hahaha!)
This first post of mine probably isn't gonna be very thought-provoking or intellectual. Just some random babbling (brain vomit as we like to call it) to get myself started. I had to sign in to test out the waters and see if I could figure this stuff out. Lovin' it so far! I like that formatting is available! *Sweet!* <--- See? Formatting! Woo hoo! Lol!
So anyways... I just posted a note bloggy thing on facebook last night (well, ok, this morning) so I think I'll just carry on from there a bit...
I graduated from the Citizen's Police Academy this evening. It was great! They presented us with certificates matted on a plaque. How awesome is that! Not too bad for a free class that was just fun! I am also now an official member of the Citizen's Police Academy Alumni Association. I look forward to doing more stuff with them. They're really a great bunch of people!
So for any of our readers (hopefully we'll have some soon!)... do any of ya'll know a free way to get a book published? I'm thinking about putting all of my stuff into a book format if I can figure out which ones to start with, and I don't know where to go from there. I know of but haven't checked into it thoroughly. I think I need to do that soon.
As the name implies, my brain is a hurricane right now. (What's new, right? lol!) I can't stop thinking about my new guy. Wow I've got it bad. I haven't had it this bad for someone in a long time! I mean, I've had relationships and cared about people but not this butterfly/can't stop smiling/can't stop thinking about him/can't keep my hands off him kinda way. It feels amazing yet I'm fucking terrified. But as a verse in Pink's song "Love Song" says: 'There's this well of emotions I feel I must protect. But what's the point of this armor if it keeps the love away too? I'd rather bleed with cuts of love than live without any scars...'. (Great song- ya'll should check it out!) But anyways... he's got me. Whether he knows that or not as of yet I'm not sure but maybe it's best he doesn't know exactly how much he's got my attention. You know how guys are... "thrill of the chase"... yada yada yada. hahahaha! But regardless, I'm insane with the bubbly butterflies right now and I'm gonna try my damndest to enjoy every flippin' minute of it! It's just so great to be around someone who let's me know the feeling is mutual, and that is affectionate for reasons other than sex. And he doesn't judge me. He doesn't make me feel "not good enough" like I've had the non-stop experience of since I've been divorced. And he makes me feel like a woman! Not like one of his buddies he hangs out with and occasionally sleeps with. *sigh* Fuck this is amazing. I never want this feeling to ever go away!
Okay, okay... I'll stop with the mushy gushy shit for now. :o))
So I'm outta here for the moment. I'll be back soon with something hopefully a little deeper to write about.
*~*The Hurricane Chick*~*
P.S. I'm not sure about Helicopter but my writing is full of words that can sometimes make a rare few blush. You've been warned. Bwahahaha!!! >:-}
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Another Tuesday... It is Tuesday, Right?
So part of this I wrote in my journal at work because I was pissed and couldn't log on to get the sign in info for this because I'm blond and retarded sometimes.... Wow... o.O Just take a look at that run-on sentence for a minute. That's right. Appreciate it. Ok, that's enough. Moving on.
From earlier: "I guess I don't understand why work gives us free hours when there are so many damned restrictions on how to use them (told you I was pissed...)! I had a doctor appointment and was an hour and a half late (which, by the way, they KNEW I would be) and worked through my lunch. Read that again and translate as I didn't get to fucking EAT! Using a free hour, I would be fine, but I can't use it because I was over an hour "late" when I got here.WTF?!?!? I made up for the time with my lunch, too! I can't use a damned free hour? Again... WTF o.O I'm so glad I got the new job. Two more weeks... Just have to survive two more weeks...
I really want to scream right now. Maybe the Dr. is right and I should be taking the Abilify as well as the other medicines. So tired of meds. So tired in general... But hopefully this new job will be less stress and "high-school-ish" drama. Cross your fingers... and your toes, just in case.
6 more minutes. Waaaaait... 5. Five more minutes until I escape the hell hole.
Feels weird writing this in a journal... as in on paper... with a pencil even o.O But I know I'll end up posting it to the blog later (Told you), so I suppose it's like a rough draft?"
It was kinda weird. Isn't that sad? That typing something feels more normal than writing something in a journal anymore... Hrm. Anyway.
I saw the guy I met Saturday night tonight... That sounded weird o.O How to rephrase? Screw it. ANYWAY! We hung out for a bit, and I think I could really get to know this one. I kinda like him ^_^ (that's the I'm happy face in case you couldn't tell or didn't know). Who knows. I just want to take a little time and figure him out. I'm not about to set myself up to be a plaything. Not for me. Pass. The other guy I'm in love with you ask? Well, I'm in the friend zone, and maybe it's about time I move my ass out of it or at least make an attempt to move on. Who knows. I'm pretty random, so it may be one of those "Today is awesome, and this guy is kinda cool, so I'm going to try to move on" kinda days. Tomorrow may be completely different. Never really know with me... Stupid emotions. Hate them sometimes.
My foot itches. I hate that, too.
Why hasn't Hurricane posted yet? *pokes her from across town* Probably sleeping... Needs to wake up... Be productive and brain vomit onto this blog, Woman!
My hair feels all soft and pretty today ^_^ I used Dove intensive therapy stuff... but I'm an idiot and bought two bottles of conditioner instead of a shampoo AND a conditioner.... Duh, blond stupidity.
You know what? Maybe I'm still all goo-goo over my friend because I haven't LET myself move on... o.O (lightbulb, epiphany face right there) Maaaaaybe I just set my sights so keenly on him, that I didn't see what was going on around me, and I've missed something? Like the guy I hung out with tonight.... Hrm.. Makes me think a bit. *ponder ponder*
Why is it so damned cold in my house??? WTF. Heat.
Guess I could turn some music or the tv on or something, but that would take effort... aaaaand at this point I really feel as though I'm talking to myself through the computer, so with that, I'm landing this 'copter for now.
Have a good night and don't let the wind blow you away.
~The Helicopter Chick~
From earlier: "I guess I don't understand why work gives us free hours when there are so many damned restrictions on how to use them (told you I was pissed...)! I had a doctor appointment and was an hour and a half late (which, by the way, they KNEW I would be) and worked through my lunch. Read that again and translate as I didn't get to fucking EAT! Using a free hour, I would be fine, but I can't use it because I was over an hour "late" when I got here.WTF?!?!? I made up for the time with my lunch, too! I can't use a damned free hour? Again... WTF o.O I'm so glad I got the new job. Two more weeks... Just have to survive two more weeks...
I really want to scream right now. Maybe the Dr. is right and I should be taking the Abilify as well as the other medicines. So tired of meds. So tired in general... But hopefully this new job will be less stress and "high-school-ish" drama. Cross your fingers... and your toes, just in case.
6 more minutes. Waaaaait... 5. Five more minutes until I escape the hell hole.
Feels weird writing this in a journal... as in on paper... with a pencil even o.O But I know I'll end up posting it to the blog later (Told you), so I suppose it's like a rough draft?"
It was kinda weird. Isn't that sad? That typing something feels more normal than writing something in a journal anymore... Hrm. Anyway.
I saw the guy I met Saturday night tonight... That sounded weird o.O How to rephrase? Screw it. ANYWAY! We hung out for a bit, and I think I could really get to know this one. I kinda like him ^_^ (that's the I'm happy face in case you couldn't tell or didn't know). Who knows. I just want to take a little time and figure him out. I'm not about to set myself up to be a plaything. Not for me. Pass. The other guy I'm in love with you ask? Well, I'm in the friend zone, and maybe it's about time I move my ass out of it or at least make an attempt to move on. Who knows. I'm pretty random, so it may be one of those "Today is awesome, and this guy is kinda cool, so I'm going to try to move on" kinda days. Tomorrow may be completely different. Never really know with me... Stupid emotions. Hate them sometimes.
My foot itches. I hate that, too.
Why hasn't Hurricane posted yet? *pokes her from across town* Probably sleeping... Needs to wake up... Be productive and brain vomit onto this blog, Woman!
My hair feels all soft and pretty today ^_^ I used Dove intensive therapy stuff... but I'm an idiot and bought two bottles of conditioner instead of a shampoo AND a conditioner.... Duh, blond stupidity.
You know what? Maybe I'm still all goo-goo over my friend because I haven't LET myself move on... o.O (lightbulb, epiphany face right there) Maaaaaybe I just set my sights so keenly on him, that I didn't see what was going on around me, and I've missed something? Like the guy I hung out with tonight.... Hrm.. Makes me think a bit. *ponder ponder*
Why is it so damned cold in my house??? WTF. Heat.
Guess I could turn some music or the tv on or something, but that would take effort... aaaaand at this point I really feel as though I'm talking to myself through the computer, so with that, I'm landing this 'copter for now.
Have a good night and don't let the wind blow you away.
~The Helicopter Chick~
Monday, November 15, 2010
And Heeeeere We Go...
Well, I suppose a "hello" is in order for the first helicopter ride post... So... Hello.
Good, now that's over with. Maybe a brief explanation of the whole helicopter ride thing. I feel my mind changes direction way too quickly and too often to be a "train of thought", therefore a helicopter. I am The Helicopter Chick. So, yeah... Hi.
I'm not completely sure how I wound up watching wrestling, but I guess I am. I lost the remote. I WAS watching NCIS. Love that show. OH! REMOTE! Family Guy it is.
Now, to whatever it was... I'm getting really tired of all the chest pains and the damned medicines I've been put on, but I guess as long as it gets my mood swings and anxiety under control... Yeah, I still hate it. Oh well. Whatever I need to do to get my son home. If I could figure out to control my emotions... HAHAHA! Sorry it made me giggle.
Seems like I missed WW3 in the office on Friday, and thank God that I did. I may clean up pretty, but my neck can get pretty darn red when provoked. I cannot believe some of the ways people act where I work. I've worked in a hotel, restaurants, and a bar and have never, EVER seen the cattiness, hatefulness, and pure disrespect that some of the employees show here. Like I said, I'm glad I wasn't there.
It is difficult to go between this and a facebook chat... I'm just saying. o.O
Speaking of the o.O face. You will see it often. It is sarcasm, confusion, wtf, etc. Just depends on the context. So say hello to the o.O face... Go on... If you don't you will make it angry, and NOBODY wants that. Fine. Have it your way.
OH! I almost forgot! I got to sing with the band that plays at my favorite hang out this past weekend! I was so incredibally excited!!! I want to start a band, but it's so difficult to find anyone that has the time and/or talent to start one...
I hate it when I argue with my best friend. Actually, I hate being just friends with the man I fell in love with. Ok so hate isn't the right word... I want him in my life one way or another... but damnit, why does it have to the the friend zone? I got just a little taste of what it was like for him to care only for him to say that I "deserve better than what he could ever give me." Blah, blah, bullshit. *sigh* I understood at first because he was coming out of a long relationship, but now it's just hurting because he's trying to move on with all these other women, and not even considering me, the one who gets him, the one who he can talk to about anything, the one that sees all his little flaws and quirks and loves him in spite of them. But screw me for wanting to be there and treat him like a man should be treated with love and respect. *sigh* I'm ready to be over him, but it's hard to do when my heart AND my head keep telling me to just be patient, be his friend, and be patient because it may happen someday. The little voice in the back of my head is screaming "You're wasting your time, feelings, and energy" all the while... Who knows...
My stomach hurts. I should eat a brownie to make it better. That will work.
George Strait and brownies. What else does a girl need? Well, besides the obvious... Anyway, that's all the brain vomit I have for this ride for now.
~The Helicopter Chick~
Good, now that's over with. Maybe a brief explanation of the whole helicopter ride thing. I feel my mind changes direction way too quickly and too often to be a "train of thought", therefore a helicopter. I am The Helicopter Chick. So, yeah... Hi.
I'm not completely sure how I wound up watching wrestling, but I guess I am. I lost the remote. I WAS watching NCIS. Love that show. OH! REMOTE! Family Guy it is.
Now, to whatever it was... I'm getting really tired of all the chest pains and the damned medicines I've been put on, but I guess as long as it gets my mood swings and anxiety under control... Yeah, I still hate it. Oh well. Whatever I need to do to get my son home. If I could figure out to control my emotions... HAHAHA! Sorry it made me giggle.
Seems like I missed WW3 in the office on Friday, and thank God that I did. I may clean up pretty, but my neck can get pretty darn red when provoked. I cannot believe some of the ways people act where I work. I've worked in a hotel, restaurants, and a bar and have never, EVER seen the cattiness, hatefulness, and pure disrespect that some of the employees show here. Like I said, I'm glad I wasn't there.
It is difficult to go between this and a facebook chat... I'm just saying. o.O
Speaking of the o.O face. You will see it often. It is sarcasm, confusion, wtf, etc. Just depends on the context. So say hello to the o.O face... Go on... If you don't you will make it angry, and NOBODY wants that. Fine. Have it your way.
OH! I almost forgot! I got to sing with the band that plays at my favorite hang out this past weekend! I was so incredibally excited!!! I want to start a band, but it's so difficult to find anyone that has the time and/or talent to start one...
I hate it when I argue with my best friend. Actually, I hate being just friends with the man I fell in love with. Ok so hate isn't the right word... I want him in my life one way or another... but damnit, why does it have to the the friend zone? I got just a little taste of what it was like for him to care only for him to say that I "deserve better than what he could ever give me." Blah, blah, bullshit. *sigh* I understood at first because he was coming out of a long relationship, but now it's just hurting because he's trying to move on with all these other women, and not even considering me, the one who gets him, the one who he can talk to about anything, the one that sees all his little flaws and quirks and loves him in spite of them. But screw me for wanting to be there and treat him like a man should be treated with love and respect. *sigh* I'm ready to be over him, but it's hard to do when my heart AND my head keep telling me to just be patient, be his friend, and be patient because it may happen someday. The little voice in the back of my head is screaming "You're wasting your time, feelings, and energy" all the while... Who knows...
My stomach hurts. I should eat a brownie to make it better. That will work.
George Strait and brownies. What else does a girl need? Well, besides the obvious... Anyway, that's all the brain vomit I have for this ride for now.
~The Helicopter Chick~
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