Monday, November 29, 2010


Idk. Weird mood. I'm exhausted from being up sick all night, but had to come to work or I wouldn't have gotten the holiday pay for last week. Stupid corporate zombiehood.

So this last weekend was a little crazy. Just was. Lots of stuff flying through my head and no focus to get here and blog any of it. You should be sad... but just a little o.O

I need some energy. I've already had a 5 Hour Energy and a Mountain Dew. I should be awake by now... Stupid stomach.

Sang with Hurricane in the karaoke contest at one of the greatest hole in the wall bars in Lexington last night. Didn't win, but it was still fun. Found out I can do a couple more songs than I thought I could AND I recorded a couple of videos (thanks to Hurricane's help as drunk as she may have been lol). Got them posted to youtube last night :) You should look me up and subscribe to me o.O You knooooow you want to cause I'mma star lmao!

I'm going to miss a lot of the people here. I won't miss the job, but I will miss the people. Well, some of them. The others can well.... I'm going to be a lady for once and hold my tongue... er fingers? o.O You know what I mean.

Hate being sick. Well, that's kind of a given I guess. Who actually sits there and says "Oh, I wish I could be sick. I love it when I feel like death warmed over." So I suppose I will stop bitching about it.

I'm beginning to wonder why it is that the only guys I can find are the ones that are looking for the "special" friendship, but never one that is considering something for a possible relationship. Men are stupid.I take that back. BOYS are stupid... and annoying... and frustrating. Real MEN need only apply for the open position of being with me. I'm a damn good woman. Damnit, and I deserve a good man. It's just FINDING one that seems to be the issue.

Screw it. He will find me. I'm not looking anymore. I don't have the energy to put that kind of effort into it. I've been fine on my own this long, and I will be fine for longer. So take that, Men, and piss off.

Wow, o.O I'm bitchy today... Hrm... Lack of sleep is never a good plan for me. Maybe I'll take a nap at lunch. Sounds like a good plan to me.