Friday, November 19, 2010

What A Freakin Friday. Perfect for A 'Copter Ride

So it's been a few days... I'm having to type this as an email draft right now because APPARENTLY the firm thinks blogspot should be banned from our internet. As if I wouldn't be working or something o.O
So I went on a date last night... He's amazing. Just saying... And for now that's all I'm saying. Nope, not a word more. Not even if you bribe me... Well, unless it's with chocolate, then we might be able to work out a deal. Maybe.
I'm so freakin ready to be out of this job. My boss is mad at me today for putting in my resignation. Wtf... So I don't want the stress, the hour commute, the stress, did I mention the stress? I've never had a serious anxiety problem until I started working here. Now I'm on 3 different medications and have had a massive emotional/mental breakdown... I think I will pass on staying. They don't pay me enough to want to deal with it anymore.
My eyes hurt. I should be wearing my glasses I guess, but I hate wearing them. I feel like I look stupid in them. Maybe it's because I was made fun of so much as a kid when I wore glasses... There are things from childhood I miss, but the bullying is not one of them.
Oh yeah, another reason I'm leaving this job. The passive aggressive bullying from the attorneys and even the non-passive aggressive bullying. I would have thought that the environment here would be a bit more professional and less tense. I knew there would be stress, but the stress of "will they get mad and go on a war path" never crossed my mind. Walking on eggshells is not one of my strong suits...
My family is so strange. We have our own personal kind of Thanksgiving tradition. Football and football food. Gotta love it.
SO tired... So very tired. But so worth being tired to have this stupid smile on my face ^_^
Ok so a few hours later and things are improving. Turns out my boss wasn't mad at me for giving notice, she was mad because I didn't say anything about it this morning. She found out through the e-mail I sent a few days ago... I guess I just assumed she'd already seen it. o.O My bad.
What an awesome freakin Friday. I have a headache from the Abilify and my bra broke... Stupid bra. I stapled it... Now I have to go buy a new one... How depressing is that. The correct answer is very.
Oh! I'm vibrating! ^_^ (<~~ Happy face FYI)
I'm tired and would love a nap, but I have my psychologist appointment, now the mall, and then singing tonight before I go home and go to bed. Skip the singing you say? HAHAHAHAHA. never.
Damn phone. Always ringing. Guess that's why they have me here to relieve the receptionsist though lol... Just a guess... Ok well, I'm off for now. This helicopter ride is making me more tired... and there is chocolate pie in the break room... Mmmmm pie...
~The Helicopter Chick~

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