Monday, November 15, 2010

And Heeeeere We Go...

Well, I suppose a "hello" is in order for the first helicopter ride post... So... Hello.
Good, now that's over with. Maybe a brief explanation of the whole helicopter ride thing. I feel my mind changes direction way too quickly and too often to be a "train of thought", therefore a helicopter. I am The Helicopter Chick. So, yeah... Hi.

I'm not completely sure how I wound up watching wrestling, but I guess I am. I lost the remote. I WAS watching NCIS. Love that show. OH! REMOTE! Family Guy it is.

Now, to whatever it was... I'm getting really tired of all the chest pains and the damned medicines I've been put on, but I guess as long as it gets my mood swings and anxiety under control... Yeah, I still hate it. Oh well. Whatever I need to do to get my son home. If I could figure out to control my emotions... HAHAHA! Sorry it made me giggle.

Seems like I missed WW3 in the office on Friday, and thank God that I did. I may clean up pretty, but my neck can get pretty darn red when provoked. I cannot believe some of the ways people act where I work. I've worked in a hotel, restaurants, and a bar and have never, EVER seen the cattiness, hatefulness, and pure disrespect that some of the employees show here. Like I said, I'm glad I wasn't there.
It is difficult to go between this and a facebook chat... I'm just saying. o.O

Speaking of the o.O face. You will see it often. It is sarcasm, confusion, wtf, etc. Just depends on the context. So say hello to the o.O face... Go on... If you don't you will make it angry, and NOBODY wants that. Fine. Have it your way.

OH! I almost forgot! I got to sing with the band that plays at my favorite hang out this past weekend! I was so incredibally excited!!! I want to start a band, but it's so difficult to find anyone that has the time and/or talent to start one...

I hate it when I argue with my best friend. Actually, I hate being just friends with the man I fell in love with. Ok so hate isn't the right word... I want him in my life one way or another... but damnit, why does it have to the the friend zone? I got just a little taste of what it was like for him to care only for him to say that I "deserve better than what he could ever give me." Blah, blah, bullshit. *sigh* I understood at first because he was coming out of a long relationship, but now it's just hurting because he's trying to move on with all these other women, and not even considering me, the one who gets him, the one who he can talk to about anything, the one that sees all his little flaws and quirks and loves him in spite of them. But screw me for wanting to be there and treat him like a man should be treated with love and respect. *sigh* I'm ready to be over him, but it's hard to do when my heart AND my head keep telling me to just be patient, be his friend, and be patient because it may happen someday. The little voice in the back of my head is screaming "You're wasting your time, feelings, and energy" all the while... Who knows...

My stomach hurts. I should eat a brownie to make it better. That will work.

George Strait and brownies. What else does a girl need? Well, besides the obvious... Anyway, that's all the brain vomit I have for this ride for now.

~The Helicopter Chick~

1 comment:

  1. Great start! And I love the o.O face! Lol!

    The Hurricane Chick
