Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Another Tuesday... It is Tuesday, Right?

So part of this I wrote in my journal at work because I was pissed and couldn't log on to get the sign in info for this because I'm blond and retarded sometimes.... Wow... o.O Just take a look at that run-on sentence for a minute. That's right. Appreciate it. Ok, that's enough. Moving on.

From earlier: "I guess I don't understand why work gives us free hours when there are so many damned restrictions on how to use them (told you I was pissed...)! I had a doctor appointment and was an hour and a half late (which, by the way, they KNEW I would be) and worked through my lunch. Read that again and translate as I didn't get to fucking EAT! Using a free hour, I would be fine, but I can't use it because I was over an hour "late" when I got here.WTF?!?!? I made up for the time with my lunch, too! I can't use a damned free hour? Again... WTF o.O I'm so glad I got the new job. Two more weeks... Just have to survive two more weeks...
I really want to scream right now. Maybe the Dr. is right and I should be taking the Abilify as well as the other medicines. So tired of meds. So tired in general... But hopefully this new job will be less stress and "high-school-ish" drama. Cross your fingers... and your toes, just in case.
6 more minutes. Waaaaait... 5. Five more minutes until I escape the hell hole.
Feels weird writing this in a journal... as in on paper... with a pencil even o.O But I know I'll end up posting it to the blog later (Told you), so I suppose it's like a rough draft?"

It was kinda weird. Isn't that sad? That typing something feels more normal than writing something in a journal anymore... Hrm. Anyway.

I saw the guy I met Saturday night tonight... That sounded weird o.O How to rephrase? Screw it. ANYWAY! We hung out for a bit, and I think I could really get to know this one. I kinda like him ^_^ (that's the I'm happy face in case  you couldn't tell or didn't know). Who knows. I just want to take a little time and figure him out. I'm not about to set myself up to be a plaything. Not for me. Pass. The other guy I'm in love with you ask? Well, I'm in the friend zone, and maybe it's about time I move my ass out of it or at least make an attempt to move on. Who knows. I'm pretty random, so it may be one of those "Today is awesome, and this guy is kinda cool, so I'm going to try to move on" kinda days. Tomorrow may be completely different. Never really know with me... Stupid emotions. Hate them sometimes.

My foot itches. I hate that, too.

Why hasn't Hurricane posted yet? *pokes her from across town* Probably sleeping... Needs to wake up... Be productive and brain vomit onto this blog, Woman!

My hair feels all soft and pretty today ^_^ I used Dove intensive therapy stuff... but I'm an idiot and bought two bottles of conditioner instead of a shampoo AND a conditioner.... Duh, blond stupidity.

You know what? Maybe I'm still all goo-goo over my friend because I haven't LET myself move on... o.O (lightbulb, epiphany face right there) Maaaaaybe I just set my sights so keenly on him, that I didn't see what was going on around me, and I've missed something? Like the guy I hung out with tonight.... Hrm.. Makes me think a bit. *ponder ponder*

Why is it so damned cold in my house??? WTF. Heat.

Guess I could turn some music or the tv on or something, but that would take effort... aaaaand at this point I really feel as though I'm talking to myself through the computer, so with that, I'm landing this 'copter for now.

Have a good night and don't let the wind blow you away.

~The Helicopter Chick~


  1. OK so even though it's late I'm about to try to post on here. :oP Love both of your posts so far! I adore your random brain! hehehe! And new guy? Hubba hubba! Ok, I'm gonna try to sign in on here and do da damn thang! lmao!

    The Hurricane Chick
