Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Turkey Day week everyone!

Howdy again folks! Hurricane Brain here! It's a little after 8am and I haven't technically been to bed yet and I'm wired... so I figured I'd get on here and write again. Me, awake all night... whoda thunk it?!?! Hah!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day and I usually try to write each year about what I'm thankful for. Quite often it doesn't seem that I'm thankful for much because I complain a little. Ok, I complain a lot. But honestly, I have a lot of things I'm thankful for. 

  • My family. Yes, they drive me crazy sometimes. And, no, we don't agree on much or see eye-to-eye very often. But I love them with every ounce of my soul. They have no idea what they mean to me and I'm pretty shitty at showing it- but I would be lost without them.
  • My friends although sadly, I don't see many of them very often anymore. :*(  We're all growing older and going separate ways. But I'm still thankful that I have them in my life regardless. Stephy has definitely helped me through a lot in the past year. Without her there to keep me sane I'm sure I would have done something really stupid by now. So instead, we just do really stupid shit together. hahahaha! (I'm kidding!) Honestly folks- we're really not the "wild crazy party girls" everyone seems to believe we are. We're goofy as hell and enjoy acting like teenagers, and that's why we have so much fun together. 
  • My new guy. We're still learning each other quirks but it's a brand new thing so we have a lot to learn about each other. I adore him, as you can obviously tell from my last post on here. I really need to learn to let my guard down at least a little and stop being so pessimistic. It's so hard to start something new when you always expect people to fuck you over. I pray he has the patience to deal with my insecurities and many issues. If he does, he'll be the first. Fingers crossed.
  •  I'm thankful for my home. I love my apartment. It's small and not insulated very well but it's my cave, my safe haven. I've had a lot of fun in this apartment in the year that I've been here and I plan on having a lot more. I love that I have a pool to enjoy in the summer- I was there a lot this past year! 
  • My rotten cat Hemi. She keeps me company, she loves me unconditionally, and she keeps the loneliness from getting unbearable on the nights when I feel like it's me against the world. 
  • My car. It's a piece of shit and I hate it because it's been nothing but a pain in my ass... but it still runs and gets me from Point A to Point B for now so I'm thankful for it nonetheless. There are a lot of people out there with nothing so I know I shouldn't complain so much. I just pray it lasts me until tax time!
  •  My unemployment check. Getting laid off isn't so bad as long as you're still getting paid. I hate dealing with the people who work at the unemployment office but I'm glad I at least have the income still coming in. 
  • My computer & internet. It keeps me sane. I don't have TV and since I rarely hear from anyone other than on Facebook it keeps me up to date on how everyone is doing. And without my computer I'd go insane from not being able to write my blogs/notes. Ya'll know this is one of my stress relievers and Lord knows I stay stressed.
  • Everyone reading this blog. Thanks for giving a shit. Ya'll rock!

I pray all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving full of love, family, friends, and a shit-ton of food!

*~*The Hurricane Chick*~*

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